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How Produce8 works

Discover how to study work patterns and gain the power to change outcomes.

It starts with our tech

Produce8 uncovers patterns that represent focus, distractions, burnout, and the time it takes to reset after context switching. We use the interactions teams have with their applications to help them address the challenges of the digital workplace.

How data is collected

Produce8 uses Browser and Desktop Extensions as well as API-based Integrations to access activities from any Apps you choose. We do not collect or share data that you are not interested in.

We stream your workflow in real time.

Team workspaces create shared understanding

Produce8's shared workspaces provide a way for teams to study their workflow. Any Apps used by anyone on the team can be included. This helps us understand each other and fix team challenges like collaboration overload.

By working out loud, we create an opportunity to learn from—and about—each other.

Personal workspaces enable independent exploration

In private workspaces, individuals can link any Apps and gain insights without sharing their data with other team members. Every user's homepage provides aggregated insight from all workplaces to help individuals keep track of their own progress.

Work patterns are unique. To make refinements, we need control over what we study.

Unlocking the intentional workday

Timeline and metrics for the whole team

Work patterns and long-term trends help teams understand what work looks like—today and every day. We can see how much progress we are making toward transforming our workflow.

Shared insights measure collective progress.

Analytics without

Produce8 uses unopinionated metrics and scores to help you understand how you work. We'll send you daily and weekly updates so you keep tabs on your goals without having to disengage from your day.

Individual insights empower personal changes.

Maintain control of personal data

An individual’s control over their data is a core principle of our platform. Everyone joining a shared workspace in Produce8 has the power to opt into sharing data from any apps the team has added.

A foundation of trust gives everyone a comfortable way to engage.

Get Started

We’re working hard to make it as easy as possible to get started with Produce8.

Follow the 8 steps to bring all your technology and team members together.

1. Create account
2. Add extensions and apps
3. Review personal data
4. Create shared workspaces
5. Invite team members
6. Review results together
7. Make collective changes
8. Measure results

Create space for great work

Produce8 supports high-performing teams that are relentlessly pursuing the state of flow.