MSPs, interested in creating a new recurring revenue stream and increasing customer value?

ConnectWise Automate

ConnectWise Automate


ConnectWise Automate


ConnectWise Automate is the backbone of many MSPs' technical operations, enabling technicians to remotely control computers, run scripts, automate routines, and assist clients seamlessly. With its integration into the Produce8 digital work analytics platform, MSPs can now gain a deeper understanding of how their teams use this powerful RMM platform. Produce8 ensures that every action within ConnectWise Automate is not just recorded but also analyzed for efficiency, effectiveness, and client satisfaction.

For the Individual:

  • Efficiency Metrics: Gain insights into your remote control sessions, script executions, and client assistance patterns. Are you leveraging the full potential of ConnectWise Automate in your daily tasks?
  • Personalized Feedback: Receive tailored insights on your RMM activities, helping you identify areas for growth and training opportunities.

For the Team:

  • Collaborative Insights: Dive into team-wide metrics on remote sessions, automation routines, and client interactions. Identify best practices and areas where the team can enhance its RMM operations.
  • Shared Workspaces: Foster a culture of transparency and continuous improvement. Collaborate on automation scripts, share troubleshooting techniques, and ensure that every team member is utilizing ConnectWise Automate to its fullest.

For the Executive:

  • Strategic Overview: Gain a comprehensive view of the MSP's technical operations. Understand how the team is leveraging ConnectWise Automate to serve clients, automate tasks, and drive business growth.
  • ROI and Efficiency Analysis: Dive deep into RMM activities, technician performance, and client satisfaction metrics. Ensure that the investment in ConnectWise Automate is translating to optimal service delivery and increased client loyalty.

Decoding the Complete RMM Workflow:

  • Holistic View with Other Tools: Integrating RMM data with other platforms like PSA and documentation tools provides a 360-degree view of the MSP's operations. This interconnectedness helps in decoding patterns and understanding how ConnectWise Automate interacts with other tools, offering insights into best practices and areas of improvement.
  • Patterns of Success: By analyzing how ConnectWise Automate is used in tandem with other tools, Produce8 helps MSPs identify patterns that lead to exceptional service delivery, enabling the replication of success across the organization.

With Produce8's analytical capabilities, MSPs can unlock the full potential of ConnectWise Automate to elevate technician performance, enhance team collaboration, and drive strategic growth.