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Improve Your Google Drive Workflow with Produce8 Analytics

With a simple click, you can connect Google Drive to Produce8 and get app usage and work habit insights, making team collaboration easier for everyone. Learn when Google Drive is your key tool, identify complementary apps you use alongside it, and pinpoint interruptions during crucial work periods.

Produce8 provides visibility into Google Drive by offering:

Private or Shared Workspaces: If you're working alone or with a team, this feature helps you gather all your app information in one place and shows you how everyone is using Google Drive.

Timelines: Gain visibility into when and how long you engage with Google Drive, especially during focused work sessions, shedding light on work habits and workload management.

Metrics: See how often you use Google Drive each day, your total daily activities with the app, and how long each activity lasts. This helps you stay updated on how you're using the app, so you can make smart choices as things change over time.

Produce8 helps you work more efficiently with Google Drive and all your work apps, freeing up time to focus on your priorities.